Underworld: Awakening

Star Rating:  5 stars

(for Star Rating key: https://madtimemama.wordpress.com/mama-and-papa-movie-reviews/)

Here’s a movie that makes a series proud.  My husband and I are HUGE Kate Beckinsale fans and we LOVE the Underworld franchise.  To be honest, every time another one of these movies comes out, we cringe a little worrying that the next movie will be a disappointment. Mostly, this is because of the Resident Evil series. The first two of that series were AWESOME… three and four, not so much. Ali Larter was practically an embarrassment to the franchise.  She RUINED Resident Evil 3 and Resident Evil 4 was pretty much vomit sauce with the story line and the poor acting in it. It makes me sad for the world of Sci-Fi.  Most of the time, you either LOVE Sci-Fi movies or you hate ‘em.  With that being said, a lot of the time, casting directors allow people random peeps to join an already established franchise cast (Ashanti, anyone?  Poor choice—for those of you who don’t know, she is an R&B singer/performer) to give their acting skills a try.  Loyal Sci-Fi lovers will see the movie regardless, but it really brings down the quality of the movie.  Disappointing.   But I digress… back to Underworld.

Every Underworld movie has a distinct story line that melts into the next. This movie is no different.  What impresses me about this series is that it continues to have room to grow.  Just when you think they might end the series and close it out, there are more stories that could come from these characters.   It’s exciting to see.

In this particular movie, Kate’s character finds out she had a daughter.  The actress that plays the daughter is GORGEOUS.  See?

As always, Kate Beckinsale does not disappoint.  She rocks that cat suit with her perfectly toned bod. She’s a SUPERB actress who OWNS this character (even with all the acrobatics and fight scenes.. she’s AWESOME!!!).  We have always enjoyed every character she ever plays.  Very believable. One of my favorite lines of the movie, “My heart is not cold.  It’s broken.”   So sad!

The supporting characters did a great job at not getting in the way and doing what they are supposed to do.  Support.  Unlike Resident Evil 3 and 4.  Take note Ali Larter — I shake my fist at you! The actors in Underworld: Awakening were all fine actors with range and the ability to transport the viewer into the story.  On a side note:  The guy who played the vampire boss, Charles Dance, is a good actor.  He owns Tywin Lannister in Game of Thrones.  Too bad he just tried to go for a weak impersonation of Bill Nighy.  We love Bill Nighy in this household.  Nobody Nighys the way Bill Nighy Nighys.  And Mr. Dance, watch out, dude.  Bill Nighy will find you, and you might not like it.

After each movie I cross my fingers that on Kate Beckinsale’s IMDB page, there is another in production.  So far, one is not listed.  However, I have no doubt that  Awakening is not the last time we will see her in her black, patent leather Death Dealer suit.

A quote from my husband:  “Wish they had really killed off Michael.  That guy is supposed to be so awesome, but he’s always catchin’ a beatin’.  And I’ve never bought that Kate Beckinsale would fall for his punk ass.  He’s a puss.”

A quote from me:  “Blah blah, I liked Michael.”

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